Rebuild Testing

Engine, intake, exhaust, EFI, chain, sprockets, etc.
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#11 Post by pdavis »

nice job 27, you are talking me into the 450 smile.gif

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#12 Post by NRath »

If you go again, do you think you could get him to do the printout with rpm's instead of mph?

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#13 Post by cannondale27 »

For some reason the Cannondales dont give a accurate rpm reading on the dyno.Unless somebody knows a better place to hook up the Pickup?The tech said there is alot of interference.

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#14 Post by claas900 »

..I guess if you really think about it,2 hp itsnt to bad,for a 18cc increase with stock head / reangled injectors,and pipe..
From what iv read on a 400ex,from 400 to 440 is a 3hp gain,on stock head so with 40cc more and from 9.7 cr to cannon isnt looking so bad..

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#15 Post by cannondale27 »

If you rode mine it is a noticable difference.It is darn near impossible to stall and will lug a gear higher around a corner plus it gained 2 hp on top.I would estimate stock with the highest gearing it would pull decently top speed was maybe 80 mph now I can pull two teeth smaller in back that has got to be at least 5 mph faster.It also seems to hook up better in the dirt.My buddies YFZ was always beating me in dirt starts now if I can keep front end down I beat him.

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Another Report

#16 Post by cannondale27 »

I changed oil twice since last report.Still looks great!I have been trying different maps and tuning.Installed the FT exhaust on 02 headpipe and am working on modifying airbox for some dyno runs which I should get in next week.This weekend its a little trail riding and a MX at Pineridge next weekend is a muddrag and toughtruck course with a TT race on sunday.So yes it is getting used and it is also running strong.

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#17 Post by DangerRanger »

3 harescrambles, a handful of trail riding, some hours tormenting the neighbors...and 4 really hard GNCC races....mine is running like a bat out of ****, and **** near impossible to stall.


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Re: Another Report

#18 Post by sillysspeed »

Originally posted by cannondale27
I changed oil twice since last report.Still looks great!I have been trying different maps and tuning.Installed the FT exhaust on 02 headpipe and am working on modifying airbox for some dyno runs which I should get in next week.This weekend its a little trail riding and a MX at Pineridge next weekend is a muddrag and toughtruck course with a TT race on sunday.So yes it is getting used and it is also running strong.

Hey Steve, I'd be suprised if you didn't get a few HP atleast with an airbox mod. Sounds like your weakest link is in the intake tract. But you already knew that! Have you decided what mod you are going to do to it?

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#19 Post by cannondale27 »

Well sorry to say that as of yesterday she selfdestructed.Real long section of sand whoops wide open let off and could hear a real bad knocking like something trying to pound its way out of the case!Got a ride back to truck and decided to pull oil filter.Looks like a few pieces of bronze and lots of steel.I got most of it apart to pull motor and will let you all know tommorow:drink:

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#20 Post by bphillman »

ugh.... not another Winky crank biting the dust.. I hope he gets a fix real soon

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