Crankshaft/Trans Cart bolts

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#11 Post by cannondale27 »

drbowtie is right and I am not trying to beat anyone up.I am just trying to get some answers not more questions.If cannondale has researched the subject and the stud update is all that is needed I will be very happy.

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#12 Post by fyrmedic »

Thanx for your help, and knowledge, 4stroke!! The way I look at it is that we all own our equipment, and we should take the initiative to check these things ourselves- part of ownership is upkeep and prevention! Don't rely on somebody's opinions on weather or not you should check the engine, DO IT, and find out for yourself. That will be the only way to tell if you need it or not.
I dont mean to sound harsh, but thats the bottom line.

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#13 Post by Mjollnir »

***UPDATED 07/28, after installing Stage 8 kit***

You know, I have to mention that everyone seems to think that 4strokemadman's initiative was great, but it seems like not a lot of people have actually taken time to answer his questions. Let's get it together and try to help them figure this out!

1. Which bolts came loose on your machine (not your friends brothers cousin machine)?

The Trans cart bolt at 10:00 (number 2 in torque sequence) was finger tight, a couple others were definately not at full torque.

2. Did you have the stud update kit installed?


3. Have the cartdridge plates ever been removed and re-installed?


4. Approximatly how many hours were on the machine?

Maybe 25

5. What is your VIN number?


6. If the bolts came loose and you re-installed them did you notice any loctite on the bolts?

There was very little loc-tite on most of the bolts. 2 or 3 had a good amount (4 threads or so), maybe another 5 had some on 1/2 to 1 thread, and the rest had none. I replaced all trans and crank cart bolts.

7. Have you re-installed bolts only to have them come loose again?

They aren't coming loose now (stage 8 and 4-6 threads of red loctite on a properly prepped bolt and treads).

8. What type of riding do you primarily do (racing, trail riding etc..)?

trails, dunes

9. Which model do you have?

2003 Cannibal LE (USA)

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#14 Post by DangerRanger »

1. Which bolts came loose on your machine (not your friends brothers cousin machine)?
Only one the tranny plate bolt at 11:00 was loose less than 1/2turn . (see pic it is is the top left behind basket, not the crank plate bolt beside it)

2. Did you have the stud update kit installed?

3. Have the cartdridge plates ever been removed and re-installed?
Not to my knowledge

4. Approximatly how many hours were on the machine?
5. What is your VIN number?

6. If the bolts came loose and you re-installed them did you notice any loctite on the bolts?
A little, but no where near enough

7. Have you re-installed bolts only to have them come loose again?

8. What type of riding do you primarily do (racing, trail riding etc..)?
Harescrambles, XC, occasional MX and trailride

9. Which model do you have?
2003 Cannibal LE Black and Silver

Ben Wrightsman
Cell 317-331-1197

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#15 Post by DangerRanger »

the bolt that was loose is not the one directly behind the hole, but the one you can see just a bit of above it and too the right, that is the tranny plate bolt. the one you can clearly see is the crankplate bolt, without stud update. more pics to follow.

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#16 Post by WJR »

1. Which bolts came loose on your machine (not your friends brothers cousin machine)?

The 11:00 trans cart plate bolt and the crank cart plate bolt next to it, and the 7:00 trans cart plate bolt.

2. Did you have the stud update kit installed?

3. Have the cartdridge plates ever been removed and re-installed?
Not to my knowlege.

4. Approximatly how many hours were on the machine?

5. What is your VIN number?
last 4= 1212

6. If the bolts came loose and you re-installed them did you notice any loctite on the bolts?

I pulled the transmission out, and there was loctite on the remaining bolts--most of it was pretty far up the bolt though, and not much was down in the threads.

7. Have you re-installed bolts only to have them come loose again?
Have not reinstalled bolts yet, I am trying to figure out a way to secure them.

8. What type of riding do you primarily do (racing, trail riding etc..)?
Aggressive trail riding.

9. Which model do you have?
02 Cannibal.

I got lucky, even though one bolt was grinding around in the bottom of my case, there was not a whole lot of damage. The scavenge pump plastic gear was chewed up a bit on one side, but it still engages and works fine, and there was some damage to the crank cart plate "ear" around the bolt hole, it cracked and spread a bit, but I think I can use a modded washer span the defect and supply requiste torque to the area. I was amazed that there was no damage to the clutch basket, though the bottom friction plate had its fingers bent up pretty bad.

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Latest Engine failure

#17 Post by cannondale27 »

Here you go.Checked this one today
1)1,8,9,3 were out 5 was almost out of crankshaft plate.All three scavenger bolts were loose,small countersink torque screws for oil transfer were loose left tab broken off.Trannyplate bolts were intact.(non-paying customer)
4)50?8-10 races and practice
5)5b6bb31302b001280 vin,AAA5b2001888 motor(which is original)
6)Trannyplate bolts were heavily loctited,crank&scavenger hardly any transfer torque screws definitly none
8)Racing (A class)
I will post some more pictures

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#18 Post by cannondale27 »

center of picture is screws that were loose tab was broken on left side

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#19 Post by cannondale27 »

some of the crankplate bolts (not much loctite although some may have washed off from laying in oil at bottom of motor)

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#20 Post by cannondale27 »

tranny plate bolts (were tight plenty of loctite)except long one didnt have any on that I could see but it was tight.Hope all this helps you I will be checking at least two a week will keep you posted.

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