Oil from air box

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Re: oil in air filter

#11 Post by NRath »

Originally posted by cdalerider77
i have an 02' cannibal and i was wondering if anyone knew where i could get tha oil line update kit for it and how much would it cost? and does it fix tha problem with oil over flowing into air filter when ran hard?

Another VA guy!!!! Welcome! What part of VA are you in?

I don't remember anyone having put together a kit for oil line updates. The biggest problem is that you need a new oil drain bolt. The T's are available. Haydug, hook the man up! Have you got a source for the drain bolts or a whole kit?

This update will pretty much take care of the problem.

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#12 Post by cdalerider77 »

im from tha hampton area

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while were on the subject

#13 Post by motorider68 »

some of you may have seen my other post about this subject, i am having the same problem and after about 7 oil changes making sure I was not over filled and the oil line update I am still getting oil in my air box, I guess the only thing left is the scavenger pump gears right? I am so bummed about all this cause I have had my motor back for about a month and only got to ride an hour. yesterday after i put the vent line update i put about a quart and almost a half then started it, it took it probably 4-5 minutes and the engine was 165 degrees I think. I had it hooked up to the computer at the time everything thing else was good. but when it pumps in it really pumps.
one more question does the scavenger gears pump the oil up or pull it back down, can someone give me some insight thanks for the help, i hope we can figure this thing out I am dying to ride.

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#14 Post by Canniboomer »

...have you checked the rear engine oil inlet filter lately?...you know, the one we all like to overlook and not have to deal with?
...And did you happen to flush the frame while your motor was out?...you say you got it back recently...

I just wonder if that filter getting plugged-up can contribute to the purging into the oil filter -- I would also like to hear from others on this, tks your post -- maybe some new ideas.

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#15 Post by motorider68 »

thanks for the help, no i didnt flush my frame and i will be completly honest that i have never checked the filter coming outta the from, i dont know why i havent but i never have so that could be doing it but like i said i have changed my oil a lot trying to figure this out and i do have oil in both sides of the frame so it must be circulating the oil somehow. but i will check the inlet filter tomorrow for sure. keep the ideas coming, thanks

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#16 Post by danyeo »

If you guys already have the oil update and you think your not overfilling the oil then be very careful. When my quad started puking oil my engine blew both times and overfilling wasn't the issue.

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