Fall ride

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#21 Post by cannibaljim »

speed did you say you were driving your self to the ride:p

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#22 Post by kdeal »

Originally posted by cannibaljim
speed did you say you were driving your self to the ride:p


That's ok, I know where he's sleeping that weekend.




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#23 Post by speed2424 »

Originally posted by cannibaljim
speed did you say you were driving your self to the ride:p

It's starting to look like a might have to.:confused:

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#24 Post by moto450 »

ill be up there sometime friday for camping that night dont know if wife will be there friday more likley saterday hotel for sat. annd riding all sunday!! what day joe do u plan on group photo motos & drags?????

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#25 Post by Jaybr »

I think alot of people will be leaving late Saturday or early Sunday, I'd suggest any organized events on Saturday afternoon.

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#26 Post by CptHook »

I probably missed this elsewhere, but where Is, and when is the fall ride?

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#27 Post by tjusa »

yes all events are planed for all day sat!:head: and the ride is posted in the polls section :deal: come on down maine is only couple states away :usa .hey moto tell chris and shawn not to worry they are more then welcome even know they ride houndas LOL

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#28 Post by CptHook »

Well besides the fact that nowhere on their site do they give an exact address of where they are located :confused: so I can map it from maine, I dont think Ill be able to make it, unless I can somehow procure a reese hitch and trailor for my car before this weekend :cry: Oh well, there is always next time

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#29 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by CptHook
Well besides the fact that nowhere on their site do they give an exact address of where they are located :confused: so I can map it from maine, I dont think Ill be able to make it, unless I can somehow procure a reese hitch and trailor for my car before this weekend :cry: Oh well, there is always next time

Roll that sucker up onto the roof and strap it down! A Cdale doesn't weigh anymore than CDrookies last girlfriend so a normal passenger car has GOT to be able to handle it. tongue.gif

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#30 Post by Jaybr »

LMAO, I hope he doesn't bring her with him to the ride.

Cpthook, You can get a hitch at most Uhaul dealers installed pretty quick, and a small trailer should be easy to find and cheap.

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