Replaced your crank? Sound off.

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#21 Post by toothandnail »

My winky crank just lost the cage sad.gif all the rollers still seem to be intact it still turns smooth as silk but if you hold the rod in one place and work it back and forth the rollers will move together and you get some slop. There is no visable signs i.e. blueing of rod or crank, which seems to me that winky has fixed the oiling problem, now my ?? is what rod bearing to use z400??. The falicon crank seems good but I can't wait 6 weeks+ for it.

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#22 Post by JeffQuadShop »

3 years and still on the stock crank on my 02 Blaze. ATK crank in my 04 ATK. Out of the 3 Cannondales I've owned I never had any crank failures.

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#23 Post by jacobw »

jeff you think custom maps are doing this to these motors?

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#24 Post by JeffQuadShop »

Originally posted by jacobw
jeff you think custom maps are doing this to these motors?
I think that is a big part of it!

Blaze map

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#25 Post by wistech »

Hey thats a good idea . Everyone should re-edit thier post and list what map was in the quad,oil type ,filter type.

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#26 Post by jacobw »

good idea would like to see how many crank failures have had custom maps running thier engines to see if thier is any truth to this

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#27 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by Jeff@QuadShop
I think that is a big part of it!

Blaze map

I would agree with you if it wasn't for the fact that mine went with a blaze map in it. Danyeo's went running a Cannibal map. I also know of 2 more that went with the stock Cannibal map. I really don't think mapping has as much to do with this then just plain luck and maintenance.

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#28 Post by JeffQuadShop »

I'm not saying that its all because of the maps but the custom high rev maps do speed up the process alot.

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#29 Post by wistech »

I think the crank update thread speaks for itself as to the cause of most every rod bearing failure. This thread is to is to keep a record of how good the fixes hold up.

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#30 Post by jacobw »

Which thread is that?

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