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#11 Post by azcannon »

I say you should only go to a church where the preacher drives a car worth at least $50,000.00 otherwise they don't bring enough in tithe/offering and they are a crappy religion salesmen - so there is no way you will go to heaven.

Smitty where is the low down on the 7th day adventists/church of god?

And catholics? is it still not a good time to be a altar boy ?

Where are the evangelist's when you need them , my grandma's got a twenty they don't know about

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#12 Post by Psychosis »

When it comes to this subject, it just gets out of hand quick. I myself choose to not give a **** about any of it. I live my life by what "I" know is right and what I think I should strive to be. I was brought up around constant preaching and it bothered the **** out of me. I've been told I will fail at everything for not going to church by people but I've had more successes than failures in life.

As one of the youngest members on here and not too far out of high school I've seen the way youth in America are becoming today. Today or atleast in the area and surrounding areas where I grew up I'd speculate that more than 50% of the kids I've known are nonreligious. It's become a thing of "coolness" anymore. Sad, but true. Most will claim it, join faith-following clubs, etc, but will tell you the truth when not around people they want to look good in front of.

I don't say that for anykind of arguement. I simply say it b/c the idea of religion is seeming to lose its way. I think religion is a great thing itself but I just don't have the desire to bother w/it. If it gets you to do great things and promote a healthy and nice life, great for you. Just remember that not everyone else wants to be the same. Instead of promoting religion in other countries, how about the groups like CBN get together and help out people in this country? My thoughts.

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#13 Post by Happyboy »

QUOTE (Smitty911 @ Jan 27 2007, 09:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Of course each of these position may be broken down into some subgroups, but overall I was just wondering:
1. How can someone know God does not exist?
2. How much evidence would it take to change someones mind.
3. What it took for us to believe God exist.

Feel free to ignore this post if you are offended in any way, I don't understand why anyone could be, but thats me.

It took fear for us to beleive in god. Man needed a way to explain the unknown as well as his own existance, God is that explanation. That is where the earliest religious gods came from. Man created religion, not the other way around.

QUOTE (azcannon @ Jan 28 2007, 08:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And catholics? is it still not a good time to be a altar boy ?

Why you gotta bust on the Catholics? smile.gif Hey, the bad thing is the Catholics get picked on about this. The same thing happens in other religions but they aren't as high profile as the Catholics. The oath of celibecy is a major problem IMHO.

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#14 Post by Smitty911 »

QUOTE (azcannon @ Jan 29 2007, 02:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I say you should only go to a church where the preacher drives a car worth at least $50,000.00 otherwise they don't bring enough in tithe/offering and they are a crappy religion salesmen - so there is no way you will go to heaven.

Smitty where is the low down on the 7th day adventists/church of god?

And catholics? is it still not a good time to be a altar boy ?

Where are the evangelist's when you need them , my grandma's got a twenty they don't know about

I'll be in Tempe in on Monday, I may give you a call.

7th day - one guy at work is one, we don't talk often, because I use a corrupted Bible. LOL they are King James Only. Heaven forbid, there was a Bible before that one. LOL

Which church of God? there are two groups the one based out of Boston has some pretty big theocratic issues.

Catholics - well they are a Christian organization, with lots of extra and some of them un-Biblical. Priest should be married some of the Levities were.

Evangelist on T.V. want your money - anybody that ask for seed money is planting a money tree. stay away. but I could use the $20.00 lol

J. Delaney
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#15 Post by J. Delaney »

QUOTE (Psychosis @ Jan 29 2007, 02:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I live my life by what "I" know is right and what I think I should strive to be.

And by what standard do you determine what is right?

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#16 Post by RonDK »

I hate how christianity is judged by the people who follow it. People against it despirately try to pick small tads of bad info against it. I remember a dabate like this on some other forum and almost every point against the religion had something to do with someone that used christianity to do something collect money from people for personal gain. Thats like judging a Cannondale by the people who ride can't control who does or doesn't. I mean hey, I don't get to choose who follows a religion, so why should I get put down by others that set a bad example.

I do agree that the converting stuff gets annoying, and I am a christian too. From my experiences in life, most people find God through an experience or a life changing event, not some person forcing a completely different lifestyle on you. I never try to convert people for the reason that it does more harm than good. Seems like most people make up their mind on their religion in their teens and thats when that rebelious, 2+2=4, attitude kicks in. When someone tells you something almost threatening like you are going to heII for not believing, you want to think the opposit. I would rather not force religion on someone so it can always sit in the back of their minds rather than kill any thought of being a christian. To me, it's never too late to believe in God (except when you are dead) so why force it at an early age when a lot of things are going on.

I believe in God mostly because my dad explained it very thoroughly to me and I had a life changing event. In 1993 we owned our own sign company and it was one of the biggest in all of PA. No matter what street you went on, you saw our work. But on Dec. 26, my dad fell on a job installing faces (the plastic sheets with letters on them) into a sign frame. He fell over 25 feet onto his truck and then onto the gravel parking lot. He had fractured his skull, broke his neck, and broke many other bones throughout his body, not to mention the nails and other parts lodged into his ribs. Luckily, there was a medic on break eating at a McDonalds right across the street and she had seen what happened. After he was rushed to the hospital with a helicopter, he went into a coma for weeks and weeks. At one point, the doctors told my mom that he would never wake up and if they had permission to take his organs. My mom refused to give up, but he just kept getting worse. He had holes drilled through his skull and monitors attached to his brain to keep him alive. Soon, his vitals began to slip away but then he began to recover. He got out of a coma and he was able to open his eyes. This was a huge step for all of us. After this happened, the doctors told us that if he did survive, he would be nothing more than a vegetable and he would be paralized. Eventually, my dad was able to speak words and soon enough, he began therapy to walk. Right now, my dad appears completely normal all accept his left arm being in a sling. You would never have known he was in an accident. If you think that this was enough stress on our family, you should have seen the after math. While my dad was in the hospital, the shop we rented was torn down and all of the employees stole everything we had. Even the secretary drained our bank account and our family was left with no money and no food. With the people we knew from church, they all got together and prayed, did chores, and donated food. Without them we would not have a house over our head. Just when things couldn't get worse, our insurance company told us that they would not cover anything that happened, simply saying that we were not covered. The problem is, we were covered and everything that happened was on our hands. For 12-13 years now, we have been battling the company for what we deserve. We have been through heII, almost selling our house at one point for money and almost losing my dad. The insurance guy was even bold enough to go steal our flag pole from the shop while my dad was recovering and mounted it infront of his business. Our case has gotten so out of hand and it looks like we lost. Hard to believe huh? We were covered and he simply refused and got away. At one point, things looked good, but the judge threw out the ruling and that was it. All that struggling just for one person to say "No." But what does this have to do with religion? I believe my dad was saved and there is no way all of this could have been a coincidence. My dad was saved, our house was saved, we may have 1 more shot at the insurance company, and we have some new additions to the family. To me, it was the lord that looked over us and the support of fellow christians. Sorry this was so long but I wanted to get across why I am so thankful for the lord. Eventhough I am 17, I feel I lived through quite a bit. Believing in christ has kept me out of trouble and I get extremely good grades in school. I have even baffled a few counsellors with my attitude and grades. Most kids that have gone through what I have do poorly but honestly, all I want to do is my best and try as hard as I can for my dad, for he has inspired me to never give up.

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#17 Post by haydug »

So, how to we determine if the preacher is in it for "god" or for personal gain? I've seen way to many people who preach at day, then drink away at night. Is that religion. All I have to do is obide by god while in his house? Why do the religious nuts continue to knock on my door and try to push their "correct" theory down my throat. You basically have to slam the door shut to get them to leave. Now that someone is a christian, can I still hang out with them,and ride bikes? Some churches say "no".. Hmmmmm. Do you know for a fact that God does indeed exist? Who's gonna be the next president?

J. Delaney
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#18 Post by J. Delaney »

QUOTE (haydug @ Jan 29 2007, 04:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, how to we determine if the preacher is in it for "god" or for personal gain? I've seen way to many people who preach at day, then drink away at night. Is that religion. All I have to do is obide by god while in his house? Why do the religious nuts continue to knock on my door and try to push their "correct" theory down my throat. You basically have to slam the door shut to get them to leave. Now that someone is a christian, can I still hang out with them,and ride bikes? Some churches say "no".. Hmmmmm. Do you know for a fact that God does indeed exist? Who's gonna be the next president?

Read your Bible! Test what the preacher says against the Word of God. The Lord gave you a brain, so use it.

I don't see anywhere in the Word where it strictly prohibits riding quads or bikes unless your're doing it illegally.

And I am absolutley positive that God (not a god, but THEE God) exists. Show me your proof that he doesn't exist and I'll show you my proof that he does.

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#19 Post by haydug »

QUOTE (J. Delaney @ Jan 29 2007, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Read your Bible! Test what the preacher says against the Word of God. The Lord gave you a brain, so use it.

I don't see anywhere in the Word where it strictly prohibits riding quads or bikes unless your're doing it illegally.

And I am absolutley positive that God (not a god, but THEE God) exists. Show me your proof that he doesn't exist and I'll show you my proof that he does.

You see, this is where it can get out of hand. "use your brain", well sir, I am indeed using my brain, or I wouldn't have queastions.
Riding quads illegally? No, but I was once told by a preacher of a church that I went to I must stop, and to quit hanging out with the non'believers. I MUST attend every sunday morning, sunday evening after a ride wasn't good enough.
Now, nowhere did I say God does NOT exist. What I believe is irrevelant to the situation. I am simply stating a fact. If you are so narrow minded as to not listen to someone and their beliefs, and take what they say into some kind of consideration, then indeed you fall into the catagory of "I am right, you are wrong" crowd.

So, let me know what you got, I'll listen and make up my mind. Do I personally believe in God? If that was your queastion, then yes is the answer. However, every major religion has points worth listening to, and considering if they should have any values or not.

After all, we have Hillory Clinton, so there must be a god!

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#20 Post by Mjollnir »

...must...resist join...discussion...

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