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#71 Post by CannondaleRider »

We MAY be going......MAYBE

krash has to talk to "the boss":P

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Re: Meeting place...

#72 Post by Mjollnir »

Dan, are you opposed to camping at Wash 13? I'm a little scared of those directions! It sounds like you're talking about Gecko Road, but I need to know what pad you're talking about and stuff.

If you want to camp there, maybe we should just plan on meeting at the entrance to Gecko Road, like right off the highway. You'll have this crew of misfits with you, right?

Cell is 408/595-6127. I don't need no stinking PM - these are all cool guys. :drink: biggrin.gif


Originally posted by daericks
Marc-- Glad to hear that and the little lady will be coming down!  I don't really know exactly where we plan on camping but here is the best way I can describe it...  When you drive past the Glamis store, you go straight for a mile or so and turn left.  there is a little area there where you can buy parking passes out of some dispenser type things.  You go down that road for a mile or so and turn left again.  Once you are there, you can take a road back a ways that is right on the edge of a dune.  That is the best I can do bro, I have only been there once!

I think we should plan on meeting at Marker 13 as you described.  PM me your cell so I have it in case things change.

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What is the plan?

#73 Post by Smitty911 »

I will be there about 9:00am with out a quad on Saturday. Where are people camping Gecko or Wash?


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#74 Post by Happyboy »

When exactly are you going to play games? You ride most of the day, eat, ride some more. Night comes, you make din din then go ride for a few more hours. Night riding is where it is at! Alot few people out at 1am and follow the leader is a blast. Just keep an eye on the guy behind you. :eek:


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#75 Post by Mjollnir »

Well, I'll be there for 9 days, so I'm not sure I'll be riding CONSTANTLY for the whole time. biggrin.gif


Originally posted by Happyboy
When exactly are you going to play games? You ride most of the day, eat, ride some more.  Night comes, you make din din then go ride for a few more hours.  Night riding is where it is at!  Alot few people out at 1am and follow the leader is a blast.  Just keep an eye on the guy behind you.  :eek:


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Camp Location

#76 Post by daericks »


I am not sure but Gecko sounds right. The original group of non-dalers are the experts so I trust them on where to camp. I can give you call when we get it figured out. I know it was easy for others to find out last time so we'll get it hammered out. camping at the wash is unlikely though.


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#77 Post by Happyboy »

Originally posted by Mjollnir
Well, I'll be there for 9 days, so I'm not sure I'll be riding CONSTANTLY for the whole time. biggrin.gif


True, but wait till you see all those east coast boys that haven't been in dunes before. I can see ****** with his cop headlamp and flashing blue lights on his quad only coming in for fuel stops.

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#78 Post by Mjollnir »

Originally posted by Happyboy
True, but wait till you see all those east coast boys that haven't been in dunes before.  I can see ****** with his cop headlamp and flashing blue lights on his quad only coming in for fuel stops.

And THAT is why I'll have my xbox! biggrin.gif

I just hope none of them end up in the bottom of a witches eye or kiddie track, or on the wrong side of a razorback. Dunes can chew up and spit out even the most experienced rider if they're not used to them.

We may need to have a 1/2 hour safety meeting before we ride! sad.gif


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#79 Post by Jaybr »

I've only had maybe an hour of seat time since blowing out the ACL in Aug, so don't count on me riding non stop.

Heck, even on my best day a few hours at a time is all I can handle:eek:

I don't play much Halo either thow, I get the motion sickness too.

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#80 Post by Canniboomer »

Originally posted by Mjollnir

I just hope none of them end up in the bottom of a witches eye

Been there, done that, not fun -- HURTS!

Please beware the dreaded witches eyes of Glamis!, and don't ditch the safety meeting, or ride at night after more than one brewski -- we want you guys back! biggrin.gif

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