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#81 Post by Mjollnir »

Steve "OBSESSED" Brooks posted these thoughts on the ASA Bulletin Board. To see comments by others, or to post your own thoughts, CLICK HERE to visit the forum.

Opinion's on Safety???????????????what do you think?

Olds Hill:
Never stop at the top, one year a friend [long time duner] stopped at the top to check the action. [After he had made a pass up Olds]
A quad came out of NO where and T-Boned him just in front of his steering wheel, between front wheels and his hands [he was going from right to left at top of Olds]. One foot further he might have been dead.
The guy on the Banshee thrown off his quad [his quad flew over friends low slung rail], fearing issue, jumped up, de-sanded himself off and kick started it and took off.
My friend, back at camp said: "I am so lucky, I could have been dead, it was totally MY Fault, I was an idiot!".

Never drive cross hill; go up and down never across. I have seen a few close calls with idiots doing wheelies across the face of Olds.

Go down Olds, from the top, way far left or far right [looking at Olds]; more safe to enter the Olds pit area, from 1/2 mile either side.

If you must race up Olds, slow at top, is that too much to ask? Look out for the idiots [see above] stopped.
If you have just raced up and made the turn to go down, NEVER stop, swing wide and keep going down.
Look, look, look out for all.


Now, when taking a break in the middle of the dunes, stop on the top of the bowl. Stop two or three wide only, all staying in single file. So when you leave you can all fall back in line. My wife sometimes goes on potty breaks when we have stopped at the crest of a dune. She leaves, the same way we were going, and comes back behind us back in line. This way, if any one is standing around the person standing or sitting can see a rail coming from any direction, as common sense as this sounds, 25% of duners do no do this.
NEVER stop at the bottom of a bowl. If someone in your group has broke down at the bottom, leave a rail or quad at the top for YOUR protection. If you leave your group to play while others stop, re-enter the single line you were in on the ride, the same angle you left it from be hind.

One time, I crested a dune on a ride, with just two rails behind me. Flopping into a bowl, there was a group of 5 or 6 rails and a couple of quads, all just drinking and relaxing at the bottom of that bowl. That group was MAD :evil: because I had come so close to them, the fact was, they just should not have been there. Close calls happen, lesson your odds of that happening! Take your rest stops where you can see 360 degrees.

Stay off Sand Highway when at all possible. More duners = a higher chance of getting hit. Lesson your odds.

Night Rides:
One year at Comp Hill at night, I went to leave straight away from Comp's face, towards Vender Row. As soon as I crested the last dune where some one was watching the action [way in the back] I had to cut the turning brake gas it and use my best evasive driving skills. Luckily for the two girls squatting at the bottom of the bowl peeing, I didn't hit them. At least they had their pants down if I scared the **** out of them. It scared the *&%$# out of me. Ladies, don't be bashful, if ya gotta go, just go, in a safe place next to a truck or rail.

In the Dunes:
Do not dune in different angles than your friends are going. Try to follow in a single file on a busy weekend. If you get separated from your group, it will be easier to back track and find you. Also, the leader is the leader because he has leadership qualities. Stay in his tracks if you can, or find someone else to follow. Never go on a ride, no matter how short, by yourself.


Witches Eyes:
Now if you really want to know how to never hit a "Witches Eye", here is how. Run the valley's between the tops of the hills. Cross the hills only when you must, people keep talking about how the ruts are everywhere this time of year at Glamis [at the top of the bowls], stay away from the ruts it's easy??????????????? Turn your quad/rail. Left right left right. Do not dune a straight line, up and over, up and over. Turn left and right. Most Witches Eyes are formed at the top edge of the dune, opposite side of the slip face on the slightly down slope. Stay on the soft slip face??????????????? Don't attack the dunes, flow with the dunes from slip face to slip face.

And MOST of all be safe. Always be aware of your surroundings. Keep your whip and whip light working. Have at least four working lights [on rails and two on quads] if you dune at night. Never dune faster than you feel safe. Listen to that little voice in your head that tells you to slow down. There are many Newbies in the dunes this year, they must learn, be careful of them until they do. Be careful of them after they learn.
If you think you "Know it All", you don't!

Expect the unexpected, it will happen! That my dune friends, is what makes it fun.


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#82 Post by Jaybr »

I found another site with some good glamis info,

All you single guys need to check out the photo gallery, looks like theres more than just sand there.

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#83 Post by speed2424 »

Have fun for me TOO guys & don't forget to take this.

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#84 Post by Happyboy »

Jay, I am telling you take some beads!!

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#85 Post by Jaybr »

Originally posted by Happyboy
Jay, I am telling you take some beads!!

I'll let the single guys hand out the beads, I don't need any trouble:(

I just got done loading all the Glamis points into 2 of my GPS's, now I just need to find the cables for the other 3:eek:

Anyone want to rent a GPS with handlebar mount?

I'm still trying to decide which one I want to use.

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#86 Post by jesshamner »

Thomez is going to bring all of his Mardi Gras beads.ohmy.gif

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#87 Post by Smitty911 »

Try to have a distinctive light for your Camp Area. Large weather ballon, Strobes, color flashing lights, or Large Banners.

This will help you find camp when you think your close to it. I know people that have driven past our camp several time and didn't know it. We finaly went and got them.

Also be very aware of KIDDIE TRACKS. These are where the littel kids ride in circles around bushes. I've seen them about 3 1/2' deep and pop up outta knowwhere on your way back to camp. There is no safe spot from kiddie tracks I have seen them in the middle of what looked to be established trails. Especally dangerous at NIGHT.


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#88 Post by Happyboy »

Those are what you hit at night! Follow the leader is really fun when you hit the bowls and big ruts like that. You get to circle back and look at the poor slobs digging their quads out. wink.gif

There is a really soft sandy spot at Little Sahara that goes through some woods. That is the best spot to get the newbs stuck. You zip in and out of there and if you don't hit it just right you just bury up. What really sucks is that if the guy in front you gets stuck you get stuck too, unless you leave room between you for you to roll back. Very nice riding back up to the top of the hill and looking down on that mess. tongue.gif

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#89 Post by Mjollnir »

I'm really looking forward to dune riding with this group. The group that I usually ride with go full-tilt to Competition hill at Pismo, then sit around doing nothing. Not fun at all.

Follow-the-leader is where it's at. I used to do that at Pismo when we all drove Jeeps and Trucks, and no one could ever follow me. biggrin.gif I don't think it'll be like that on the quad though. sad.gif

If I can find them, I will also be bringing about 50 lbs. of Mardi Gras beads. Welcome to hooterville!


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#90 Post by bowtiebuilder12 »

Looking forward to handing out some of those beads, Bring plenty to go around man or do I need to bring my own beads.........tongue.gif

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