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#131 Post by cdaleracer »

well for everyone that is going this weekend have fun and be safe. takes lots of pictures, and not of all the naked girls!!

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Contact info for Glamis

#132 Post by daericks »

Contact Info for Glamis:
Dan Erickson's Home Phone: 480-706-1655 ( I will be there until 7:00 AM Mountain Time Friday)
Dan Erickson's Cell Phone: 602-999-9777 (I will on this almost all the time and will be checking messages no less than daily while at Glamis)

Chad Osborn's (Dan's good local friend with a Nextel phone that should work in Glamis) Cell Phone: (480) 262-2274
Jason Low's (Dan's good local friend with a Nextel phone that should work in Glamis) Cell Phone: (480) 262-2363

Please keep in mind that there is no real town nearby. We have a store that has necessities as well as a cafe. We will have access to warm showers for the price of ~$10 but that will require a drive.

Should one of your family members need to get a hold of you, their best bet is to call both my phone and Chad's. My girlfriend will also be home for the weekend so leavig a message there wouldn't be a bad idea either.

I don't want to sound like a worry-wort but make sure you bring your insurance cards just in case. The first trip out this year cost one one of my friends $15,000 for a helicopter, two broken clavicals, a colapsed lung, amongst other things.

Bring all riding gear including helmet, greaves, gauntlets, chain mail, shields, jousts, belt buckles, warhammers, swords, and all magical equipment.

We will have a good amount of tools there as well so those of you traveling, don't feel as if you need to bring a ton of stuff. I'm going to take Doug shopping when he gets here to figure out what we need to take.

Hotels/Motels for Thursday night: I have reserved three rooms near my place. Call me if you want one. As of right now, nobody has confirmed with me that they want one for sure.

Food: Jason, the above mentioned fellow, went to Costco this weekend and purchased a load of food for everyone that told Doug they were coming. For those of you who didn't tell Doug, don't worry, we will have some extra as well.

Wood: We should have a enough of that as well.

Sleeping accomodations: This is where we need some help... I have one tent that currently has reservations for myself, Doug, Zack, and Kenny. We may need flashlights, lanterns, etc.

Arrival Time at the dunes: Estimated at 12:00 Noon Phoenix time, 11:00 west coast time. We will be meeting at that station where you buy parking tickets about 2 miles past the Glamis store on the left, at Gecko Road. It is very possible that we will get there early so feel free to phone me if any of you travelers coming from any place other than Phoenix run early (or late for that matter). We intend to camp at Pad two off of Gecko Road. I will change my voice mail on my cell phone to state exactly where we are once we settle in. That way, if you get there, all you need to do is find a working phone (glamis store, worst case) and call me. If I don't answer, you will have some instructions. Just don't plan on finding us if it's dark!!

My address if you are driving:
4101 E. Redwood Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85048

Driving Directions:
Most everyone will be coming from I-17 or I-10. The I-17 will become I-10 when you hit Phoenix. Now, this is the tricky part so pay attention... Look at your map... you need to take the I-10 EAST, not west. The f'ed up part is that the I-10 runs north/south in phoenix even though it is an east/west interstate. Just make sure you take the 10 east following the signs to Tucson.

You will stay on 10 E for quite some time as my exit is the LAST one on the south side of Phoenix. You are looking for Pecos Road. Some of the exits (in order) you will get to prior are Baseline Road, Elliot, Warner, Ray, Chander, PECOS/202.
When you get to the Pecos Road exit, stay to the right. If you go left, you will end up on the 202---BAD. So, now that you are Pecos Road (it only only goes one way so don't worry about north/south/east/west) you should be heading in the westerly direction. At the first stoplight, which is 40th St., turn right. At your first possible turn about 1/2 block down, turn right again. At your next first possible turn, turn right again. You will be looking at my house. I will likely have my maroon Ford Expedition on the side of the road. Call me if you get lost. Phoenix is actually really easy to get around.

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#133 Post by Jaybr »

I will be there!

Nrath is coming with me so all is well.

I will have my enclosed trailer, me and Nrath will be sleeping in there, and I have Doug and ****** sleeping bags and gear. Probably room for all of us in the trailer.

We're expecting to get into Pheonix around 5:00 Thursday, please hold one of those rooms for us.

I'll also be bringing the new and improved Falicon stroker quad, and from what I can tell on the street in front of my house, it RIPS!smile.gif

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#134 Post by Mjollnir »

Let's see what I can do to help...

Dan, don't worry about the generator, I have one on board.

Paddles - I should have an extra set that someone can use, as long as you promise to replace them if you destroy them. sad.gif They ain't cheap!

Sleeping accomadations - this is where I can probably help the most. I have a number of beds available in my trailer - a queen, a full, and a rather short funny shaped bed. I can also accomadate at least 3 more people on the floor. The queen is in the garage, so it will be a little colder at night, but it is the most comfortable bed. The other two beds are in the house section, but are not as comfortable. Someone under 5'6" or so could sleep comfortably on the shorter bed. Bring your own sleeping bag, I don't have any sheets and stuff for these beds.

The only condition that I have for anyone staying in my trailer is that you clean up after yourself and respect my stuff! biggrin.gif We'll also have to be extremely careful with water consumption, as Jenn and I will be there for another 6 days after you guys all leave.

Also keep in mind that we will have our 5 month old daughter with us, so you may occasionally hear her cry at night if you sleep in the trailer. She is a very good baby, she only cries until mom gets to her, but there is that possibility.

Sooooo, anyone who's interested, please send me a PM and we'll make arrangements.


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Re: Ummmmm....

#135 Post by jesshamner »

Originally posted by NRath
 Jess, you up for arm wrestling for those tires?!!

We'll figure something out. I'm glad you decided to come out. I'm not very good at arm wrestling...have you seen my arms? LOL.

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#136 Post by Mjollnir »

Oh yeah, as far as finding the camp - once I get set up, I will put up my flag, which is about 30 feet high. It will have a blue lighted Cannondale "C" on the top of it. Look for the blue "C", and it will be looking down on the camp. If it's during the day, I have a big spinny windsock that has four segments that rotate in opposite directions, each section is red, white and blue.

I'll also have a big Cannondale banner displayed prominently if I can figure out a way to do that.


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damn dude...

#137 Post by daericks »

You are a PRO! I'm glad you were able to make it after all. I can't wait... I looked for those a-arms for you but I think they are GONE. Not sure where but I don't have them. There is good news though... I bought some a-arms off a moto so I may have some extra ones off of my speed. It all depends on if we have enough time to put that crap on before we go!


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Re: damn dude...

#138 Post by Mjollnir »

Originally posted by daericks
You are a PRO!

Aw, shucks, I try. smile.gif


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#139 Post by Jaybr »

Nrath and I are on the way:)

We're almost in Nashville, stopping in Memphis for the night.

He's driving and I'm on the laptop hooked to the cell phone, and it's faster than my standard modem. Ain't technology great!

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#140 Post by haydug »

My bike just left, with bowtiebuilder's bike, housercannondale's bike, and another local guy heading towards lurkerblaze's house. They may even beat me to Phoenix. :hammer:

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