VForce vs. Cannondale

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#21 Post by jcv440 »

Well it's been since Indy that I've talked with him. But I thought he said he had 9 total.

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#22 Post by JBBSPEED »

Good review work.....

I saw the 700's at the GNCC at Steel Creek and was very impressed with them. Kawi has made a nice tank..%^&&$ I mean quad. OOPS.smile.gif

The pic are sweet! Really nice jump pics.

Wish I had the resources to help out in your motor. But good luck.

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Vforce update

#23 Post by Ryanstones »

She must be broke in now 'cause the GAS consumption was much better this weekend. After working with the controls placement, i'm feeling much more at home on the prairie, i mean Vforce. She absolutely rips! I still haven't figured out the best way to make it turn though. Mostly cause i suck probably. The magazines bragging up the brakes on this thing make me think something is wrong with these, cause those corners come up way too fast.biggrin.gif She's got a small oil leak that i can't find sad.gif Gotta break this puppy 'fore the warranty is up. The CVT whines constantly (normal) and my buddies say it sounds like a blower coming up behind 'em. LOL.
Found some 5-10' doubles that are just about right for me and the quad. Really stable jumper and not bad to move around in the air either. The pics:

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oh yea

#24 Post by Ryanstones »

freestyle. LOL

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#25 Post by jamiesel »

ryan... have you talked to Maz yet?

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#26 Post by Ryanstones »

Haven't talked to Maz personally. kyle said he talked to him about my cartridge plate and he didn't have one. i'm feeling very impatient about this as I've heard that cannondale has 20 new plates on hand, yet i'm stiiiilllll waiting. 5 months without my dale (2.5 at local dealer, 2.5 with Kyle) is way toooo long.

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#27 Post by Jaybr »


Just sent you Maz's email address, you should contact him.

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