Radiator overflow problem

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Radiator overflow problem

#1 Post by CannibalAnimal »

I have a problem. I was changing my transmission oil and manage to strip the transmission oil drain bolt. I ended up lying it on its side to drain the oil out. Note that I had already drained the engine oil so the crankcase was empty while it was on its side. But I forgot to drain the radiator. When I turn it bck upright and fill it with engine oil and transmission oil, it crank fine. I thought everything was OK until it got hot. The antifreeze backup and started spraying me while I was riding. I stopped to see what the problem was and realize that the coolant fan was running nonstop which signified overheating. So I checked the radiator reservoir and so it overflowing. While cleaning the antifreeze off the frame, it reseeded back to the correct level. I am assuming that is because the cold water cold it off. Does anyone have any ideas. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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#2 Post by Canniboomer »

...here's a guess:....When you turned it on it's side, you got an air pocket in the impeller housing -- then turning it back upright, it didn't bleed for lack of a bleed hose or plugged bleeder nipple.
So the impeller now spinning dry... if you have bleeder hose, disconnect at bottle and blow or shoot air into it to check.

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#3 Post by cdrookie »

yep, air pocket. could also stand it on it's grab bar and then sit it back down. do that a few times till no air bubbles come up through the over flow bottle.

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#4 Post by CannibalAnimal »

Thanks. I thought that might be it. I was reading the service manual and found the bleed screw. My brother works on ATVs and said that was the problem but since he has never worked on a Cannondale before I figured I would ask. I will try that. Thanks again.

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#5 Post by cannondale27 »

Uhm bleeding is good but I wouldnt be blowing air into the bleed hose unless it is under 5 psi dont want to chance blowing out a seal.

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#6 Post by Canniboomer »

good point, tks...... I leave the coolant bottle off while doing that.

but this issue has got me to thinking, since once in a while I have been sideways or upside down in the dunes!!... if that bleeder nipple is clogged or you have an early version, you could easily get an air pocket trapped and then overheat -- something to watch and beware --- if you ride like I do!!!! -- not very well rolleyes.gif

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#7 Post by banzairx7 »

Since you have an 03 it should self bleed. Could be that the bleeder is clogged with valve cover corrosion. This happened to me and it made a great one way check valve. I could blow through the bleed line into the engine. No coolant would come out though. The debris would allow coolant one way and not the other. I had to take off the impeller cover and clean everything out. Been working great since.

You also said you added water to the system. You should be using something like evans to rpevent corrosion in the engine. Water is very bad in these engines.

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