Wife says no 4wheeler/Dirtbike til our son's 8-9?HA

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#11 Post by toothandnail »

Start em young . they don't break as easy, they (most) learn that it hurts to crash, btw , it's on the small stuff, not a 90' triple ,that he'll try when he's 18 , on his first ride, on his first quad , and he's got the same quad as that other guy who's doing the 90'er,(who started riding when he was 4). We see that quite often here on our track,EVERY time the ambulance or chopper has been to our track it was this problem!!

The #1 thing !! get the gear and make them wear it.
Make an agreement with your wife and chidren before hand IF THEY EVER RIDE WITH OUT IT they will be grounded after the 3rd time the quads gone. We did that over 14yrs ago with our kids , no injuries from ridding, it saved my sons life when a truck ran off the road and hit him broadside at 45mph, he had on full race gear,smile.gif

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#12 Post by Pro400EXC »

wow thanks for the posts guys...

BTW...sorry i didn't mention the ole lady was having a kid earlier...lol

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#13 Post by jfarrar »

Originally posted by cannondale27
Wow Jason they sure grow fast!Looks like your going to be buying alot of quads for your boy:cool:

yes im sure i will!it is amazing at his age how much interest he shows in them.he loves dirtwheels and plays with his toy quads nonstop and has to take them to the bath.lol.he was opening christmas presents and when he got to the first quad that was it he was done opening presents and took off with the toy quad.lol.

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