Is anyone going start building dales again?

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Is anyone going start building dales again?

#1 Post by JerJer24 »

Does anyone know if ATk or Dinli plans on makin dale quads again????

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#2 Post by Derno24 »

I heard they are planning it, but man they are taking their sweet asss time.

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#3 Post by cannondale27 »

You can buy an ATK 450 right now all updated and with warranty.Go for it or else build one yourself like alot of us have done.Dont bother waiting for Dinli they seem to be going another direction.

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#4 Post by thomez »

ATK isn't manufacturing quads, but selling refurbs. You can build one a lot cheaper, just no warranty.

Dinli will have something out in ... oh ... maybe a year? We'll see what they bring to the table. You can't judge anything on the demo unit they had, it was a Cannon with goofy plastic (that I like).

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#5 Post by wistech »

Well I heard a rumor from a guy who knows a guy that ........Oh nevermind . Just pic up one of the few remaining new ones.

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#6 Post by JerJer24 »

Where can i get a 450 kit??

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#7 Post by EuroGOD »

Your ole pal haydug at wink.gif

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#8 Post by TheJaspMan »

Face it, no one is going to build a Cdale again. They MAY however build a Dinli that uses Cdale technology. Or at least a few of the concepts. But I think what everyone has seen is that they have an interest in making production level quads like the Raptor, YFZ, TRX and others.

For their company that may not be a bad thing. For current Cdale owners that may make finding parts easier. But what it will not do is keep the R&D growing like Cdale was commited to.

Dinli will concentrate on finding ways to mass produce thier quads. They are in it for the money. Not the ride.

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#9 Post by JeffQuadShop »

Originally posted by TheJaspMan
Face it, no one is going to build a Cdale again. They MAY however build a Dinli that uses Cdale technology. Or at least a few of the concepts. But I think what everyone has seen is that they have an interest in making production level quads like the Raptor, YFZ, TRX and others.

For their company that may not be a bad thing. For current Cdale owners that may make finding parts easier. But what it will not do is keep the R&D growing like Cdale was commited to.

Dinli will concentrate on finding ways to mass produce thier quads. They are in it for the money. Not the ride.

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#10 Post by thomez »

Do explain .....

And only say ATK if they are manufacturing something. A rebadge doesn't count in my book.

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